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Portland Volleyball association - outdoor playing regulations
Outdoor Rules for Sand and Grass Leagues
Home team chooses serve or receive
Visitor team chooses the game ball
Rally scoring with 2 sets to 21 points (no cap, win by 2) and third set to 15 (no cap, win by 2)
Sets 1 & 2 switch sides every 7 points and set 3 switch sides every 5 points
First and third sets begin with a coin toss (or ball spin or ...) to determine which team gets first choice of serve or side
For the second set, the team that lost the "coin toss" gets first choice of serve or side
A block does not count as a touch
No open hand tips or dinks (cobra or knuckles are allowed)
Serve receive cannot be with open hands (i.e. set)
Coed serving order must alternate male and female
No rotational faults, but must keep service order
Let serves are allowed but not re-tosses
Hard driven
hit can be set (official's judgement) but off-speed hit cannot be set (no finger action until 2nd or 3rd contact)
No directional blocks (no breaking wrist, either down or to a side)
Posts are considered antennas
No center line violation unless you interfere with player on other side of court
No center line violation unless you interfere with player on other side of court
2 players contacting the ball at the same time is considered 2 hits and either player can then take it over the net unless referee clearly sees only one person contacting the ball
If setting the ball over the net, the set must be perpendicular with your shoulders (either front or back set)
One 60 second timeout per set
Replay if a tree branch interferes with a playable ball
Reminder, no alcohol permitted before or during play
Minimum number of players required to play - 3
Additional Rules for Reverse Coed
Men must take off behind 10 foot line to hit a ball with a downward flight
Men may contact the ball in front of the 10 foot line as long as it has an upward flight
Men may not block women unless the ball stays on blocker's side of net (i.e. soft block) - counts as the first touch
Men may block other men
No woman touch rule for multiple touches
Additional Rules for Sand
Same as outdoor rules except teams playing with 5 or 6 players must use the following indoor rules:
Players must line up alternating male and female and rotate accordingly
A woman must touch the ball if there is more than one contact